It’s a common pattern in the Rust ecosystem to have a function return self at the end in order to enable method chaining. For example:

// Create, modify, and consume a `Foo` in a single expression.
// So concise! Much ergonomic! Wow!

// Method definitions that make this possible:
// -------------------------------------------

struct Foo {
    // Some internal state.

impl Foo {
    fn chain(self) -> Self {
        // Make some changes to `self`, then return `self`.

fn consume(foo: Foo) {
    // Do something with the final `Foo` after it's
    // been fully initialized and configured.

Run in the Playground

This approach is often used in combination with the builder pattern, though it can also be applied to a wide variety of other situations. The above example demonstrates the most straightforward of these cases (i.e. initializing and modifying an object in a single statement), but, as I’m going to demonstrate, this approach quickly breaks down when applied to a wider variety of use cases.

In this post, I intend to cover the following points:

  • Returning self is not an effective way of achieving method chaining in Rust.
  • Method and function chaining should be orthogonal to the return type of a function.
  • You should only return self from a function if it’s semantically meaningful to do so.
  • Method cascades provide a promising alternative to returning self when you want method chaining.

Chaining by Returning self

Since returning self is currently the de facto way of enabling method chaining in the Rust ecosystem, I’m going to start by demonstrating that doing so doesn’t work as well as we would like. To show this, we’re going to work with the following definitions:

// Define a struct `Foo` with some internal state that its methods
// will modify. We'll use `Foo::default()` throughout the examples
// to create the initial instance of the data.
#[derive(Debug, Default)]
struct Foo {
    value: usize,

impl Foo {
    // Define a method that can be chained by taking and returning
    // ownership of the data.
    fn chain_move(mut self) -> Self {
        self.value += 1;

    // Define a method that can be chained on a borrow of the data.
    fn chain_ref(&mut self) -> &mut Self {
        self.value += 1;

// Define a function that will consume the final data by taking
// ownership of it.
fn consume_move(foo: Foo) {
    println!("{:?}", foo);

// Define a function that will consume the final data by borrowing it.
fn consume_ref(foo: &Foo) {
    println!("{:?}", foo);

In the examples I will also sometimes use an imaginary method chain to demonstrate an idealized way of performing method chaining. This will be used to show the “ideal” use case (i.e. the most ergonomic way of applying method chaining in a given situation) so as to compare how chain_ref and chain_move work in practice.

Let’s now take a look at each of the use cases we would like to support, and see how they work with each of the method chaining approaches.

Single Method Chain

The most basic case is having a single long method chain, from construction into the consumption of your type:


This works reasonably well with both chain_move and chain_ref so long as you match the chaining style with the consumer:


Run in the Playground

Note, though, that while the chain_move version works with both consume_move and consume_ref version, chain_ref can only be used with consume_ref. If we try to pass the result of chain_ref into consume_move, we get this error:

error[E0308]: mismatched types
 --> src/
9 |     consume_move(Foo::default().chain_ref().chain_ref()); // Doesn't compile.
  |                  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ expected struct `Foo`, found &mut Foo
  = note: expected type `Foo`
             found type `&mut Foo`

Run in the Playground

Since chain_ref() returns a &mut Foo, we can’t use it anywhere a Foo is expected (though there are ways of working around this, which will be covered below).

Use Before Consuming

Let’s say you needed to log the value before consuming it. The most intuitive way of doing this would be to directly bind the result of the chain to a variable, log the variable, then pass the variable to the consume method:

let foo = Foo::default().chain().chain().chain();
println!("foo: {:?}", foo);

This can be done directly with chain_move:

let foo = Foo::default().chain_move().chain_move();
println!("foo: {:?}", foo);

Run in the Playground

But doing the same thing with chain_ref won’t compile:

let foo = Foo::default().chain_ref().chain_ref();
println!("foo: {:?}", foo);
error[E0716]: temporary value dropped while borrowed
 --> src/
2 |     let foo = Foo::default().chain_ref().chain_ref();
  |               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^                        - temporary value is freed at the end of this statement
  |               |
  |               creates a temporary which is freed while still in use
3 |     println!("foo: {:?}", foo);
  |                           --- borrow later used here
  = note: consider using a `let` binding to create a longer lived value

Run in the Playground

As the compiler helpfully notes, the temporary value created by Foo::default() is dropped at the end of the chain sequence, so we can’t bind it to a variable. Instead, we must first create the initial Foo and bind it to a mutable variable. Once that’s done, we are able to use chain_ref to apply modifications to it before logging and consuming the final value:

let mut foo = Foo::default();
println!("foo: {:?}", foo);

Run in the Playground

Note that you must also use this approach to use chain_ref in combination with consume_move; By binding the initial Foo to a variable, you avoid the issue of it being a temporary value and being dropped too early.

While this is functional, it has a few drawbacks as compared to the chain_move version:

  • You can no longer create and modify the value in a single expression.
  • You have to bind foo as a mutable variable, which loosens some of the guarantees you get in the chain_move version when binding the variable immutably.
  • When converting from the single chain version to this version, it’s easy to initially apply the naïve transformation shown above and get tripped up when it doesn’t work. The chain_move version, on the other hand, works fine with the naïve transformation.

For this case, both chain_ref and chain_move work equally well with consume_ref and consume_move since, once the object is bound to a variable, it is easy to either lend that value to another function or to transfer ownership entirely.

Modifying an Owned Value

Now let’s say that you want want perform an initial method chain, then conditionally apply another chain of operations to the same object. This means that we already have a bound, mutable variable that we would like to modify in the same method-chaining style that we use to create the object. The ideal version of this would be as follows:

let mut foo = Foo::default().chain().chain().chain();
if some_condition {

In this case, the chain_ref version performs reasonably well (though you again need to first bind the variable before performing the initial chain of modifications):

let mut foo = Foo::default();
if some_condition {

Run in the Playground

Doing the same with chain_move can also be made to work, though it requires the value to be rebound after the conditional chain:

let foo = Foo::default();
let foo = if some_condition {
} else {

Run in the Playground

Again, this is functional but somewhat awkward to construct (having the extra else branch only to satisfy the borrow checker) and not necessarily an obvious construction for someone who’s not already familiar with the details of Rust’s ownership rules.

In this case, both chain_ref and chain_move work, but both have ergonomic drawbacks as compared to the ideal version.

Chaining Within a Function

Let’s say you want to break some of your logic into a separate function. This is possible with both functions, thought the signature of your helper function will have to change depending on which chaining approach you are using:

fn do_modifications_ref(foo: &mut Foo) {
fn do_modifications_move(foo: Foo) -> Foo {

It’s worth noting that you can still use chain_ref within do_modifications_move, but you can’t use chain_move within do_modifications_ref (since you can’t take ownership of foo).

No Chaining At All

Let’s say you’re a boring person and don’t want to use method chaining at all, plain-old method calls are enough for you. If that’s the case, the chain_ref version can also be used to modify the value without chaining, e.g.:

let mut foo = Foo::default();

The chain_move version can technically be used without chaining, but requires the variable to be re-bound in each statement, again making the code both harder to read and harder to write:

let foo = Foo::default();
let foo = foo.chain_move();
let foo = foo.chain_move();
let foo = foo.chain_move();

A Real-World Example

In the abstract, this may seem like a number of minor issues and trivial complaints. To provide a real-world example of the implications these drawbacks have, let’s look at an example that I ran into (one that motivated my writing this article).

Say you’re writing a tool that uses std::process::Command to spawn a child process. Command is designed to be used via method chaining by having all its methods take and then return &mut self. Your initial version looks something like this:

let result = Command::new("foo")

Run in the Playground

At some point later, you realize that you want to only pass the --baz flag conditionally, so you make the obvious changes to your code:

let command = Command::new("foo")

if set_baz {

let result = command

Run in the Playground

But it doesn’t compile, because you can’t bind the result of the initial method chain when the chaining methods return &mut Self (as Command::arg does). To get it to work, you have to bind the result of Command::new to a variable, then perform all configuration on it:

let mut command = Command::new("foo");

if set_baz {

let result = command

Run in the Playground

This is a minor bit of friction for someone already familiar with Rust, but it can be a frustrating (and unnecessary) roadblock for someone new to the language.

Method Chaining is Orthogonal to Return Value

At this point, I feel comfortable in having demonstrated that returning self is, at best, an awkward way of implementing method chaining for a Rust type. Beyond that, though, it’s worth asking a more fundamental question: Should it work better? Should we consider this a failing of Rust, that the language doesn’t play well with method chaining? Or is there something fundamentally wrong with this form of method chaining?

To answer these questions, let’s take a look at the function signature for chain_ref:

fn chain_ref(&mut self) -> &mut Self { ... }

Rust’s type system allows us learn a lot about what a function can do solely based on its signature. Key here is that chain_ref only takes a single parameter: &mut self. We therefore know that it can (and almost certainly will) mutate self in some way. We also know that it is probably pure relative to self, such that the same value for self will produce the same mutation, since chain_ref takes no other parameters to influence its behavior.

But what does returning &mut Self tell us about chain_ref? Normally, the return type would tell us what the result of the operation is. But in this case, the returned value actually has nothing to do with the internal logic of chain_ref, it’s only there to enable method chaining, which is completely orthogonal to chain_ref itself.

This becomes especially problematic if your function has an actual return value. Take HashMap::insert as an example. insert returns the previous value if one was replaced, however it’s not always necessary to check the return value. In some cases, I may want to insert many elements into a hash map, in which case using a method chain would be clear and concise:

let map = HashMap::new()
    .insert("foo", 1)
    .insert("bar", 2)
    .insert("baz", 3)
    .insert("quux", 4);

But there’s no way to make this work while still returning a value from insert: You can either return a value or you can return self, but not both.

The fundamental problem with returning self solely for the purpose of enabling method chaining is that you’re contorting your API in order to enable something that’s completely orthogonal to what your API is doing. Your function’s signature should reflect its behavior, and should be usable in a method chain regardless of its return type.

We’re Only Talking About Method Chains

At this point I’ve covered the practical issues with returning self and the more conceptual reason why it doesn’t make sense. Before I move on to discussing alternate solutions, I want to emphasize an important point: Returning self is only an issue if it’s being done solely to enable method chaining. It’s entirely reasonable to return self from a function if doing so is semantically meaningful, and I am in no way trying to say that it is never appropriate to return self from a method in Rust. It only becomes an issue if you’re returning self from a function for no reason other than to allow users to chain those methods together.

Method Cascades

As is often the case, we don’t need to invent a whole new solution to this problem when we could simply steal good ideas from another programming language.

Dart provides first-class support for method chaining in the form of method cascades. The .. operator is the the “cascaded method invocation operator”, and behaves similarly to . except that discards the result of the method invocation and returns the original receiver instead. This allows any method to be chained in Dart, without requiring the author to have thought ahead of time to return self.

In Dart, the syntax looks something like this:

final addressBook = (AddressBookBuilder() = 'jenny' = '' = (PhoneNumberBuilder()
            ..number = '415-555-0100'
            ..label = 'home')

While there’s no equivalent syntax built into Rust, we could achieve something very similar with the help of a fairly simple macro. In fact, there’s already the cascade crate which does just that!

let foo = cascade! {
    foo: Foo::default();
    | if some_condition {
        cascade! {
            &mut foo;
consume_ref(&mut foo);

Since this pattern hasn’t yet seen wide usage in the Rust community, I expect that it will take some time and iteration to fully adapt it to Rust as a language (though the cascade crate is certainly a good start). Looking to the future, I would personally like to see this pattern become “official” in some regards, either through inclusion in the standard library or 🤞 a native syntax 🤞.


So in summary:

  • Don’t return self from methods if you’re only doing so to enable chaining.
  • Start using the cascade crate instead!

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